Appendix A: 
SABER Level 2A File Format Description


The purpose of this appendix is to define the content and format of the SABER Level 2A file. This file will be a product produced by the SABER Level 2A processing software. It will contain routine retrieved profiles for each SABER constituent listed in the Level 2A Software Development Document. The Level 2A file will be in the NetCDF format.


The Level 2A file will be the output from Level 2A processing, which reads in a Level 2A file and performs iterative retrievals for each constituent.


The Level 2A file will contain retrieved profiles as a function of pressure, altitude, angle, latitude, longitude and time. Other derived requirements include:


Following the Common Data form Language (CDL) definition of a NetCDF file, the Level 1B will contain:

event = 1-2200; // Scan event number for current day (~2200)

altitude=500; // Tangent point altitude (km)

short event(event) // Event number for current day

long date(event) // Date (YYYYDDD)

float elevation(altitude) // Elevation Angle (SABER centric)

long time(event, altitude) // Msec since midnight

char mode(event) // 0=Down 1=Up

float sclatitude(event, altitude) // Spacecraft latitude (degrees)

float sclongitude(event, altitude) // Spacecraft longitude (degrees)

float scaltitude(event, altitude) // Spacecraft altitude (km)

float latitude(event, altitude) // Tangent point latitude

float longitude(event, altitude) // Tangent Point longitude

char tpDN(event) // 0=Day 1=Night

char scAD(event) // 0=Ascending 1=Descinding

float tpSolarZen(event) // Tangent point solar zenith angle (degrees)

float tpSolarLT(event) // Tangent point local solar time (msec since midnight UT)

float pressure(event, altitude) // Pressure (mbar)

float pressure_error(event, altitude) // Pressure error (mbar)

float Ktemp(event, altitude) // Kinetic temperature (K)

float Ktemp_error(event, altitude) // Kinetic temperature error (K)

float density(event, altitude) // Atmospheric Density (m/v)

float density_error(event, altitude) // Density error (m/v)

float o3L(event, altitude) // Ozone mixing ratio (9.6 um channel) (ppmv)

float o3L_error(event, altitude) // Ozone mixing ratio error (ppmv)

float o3S(event, altitude) // Ozone mixing ratio (1.27 um)(ppmv)

float o3S_error(event, altitude) // Ozone mixing ratio error (ppmv)

float H2O(event, altitude) // Water Vapor Mixing Ratio (ppmv)

float H2O_error(event, altitude) // Water Vapor Error (ppmv)

float NOe(event, altitude) // Nitric Oxide volume emission rate (Units?)

float NOe_error(event, altitude) // Nitric Oxide volume emission rate error ()

float OHLe(event, altitude) // Hydroxyl volume emission rate (2.0 um channel)()

float OHLe_error(event, altitude) // Hydroxyl volume emission rate error ()

float OHSe(event, altitude) // Hydroxyl volume emission rate (1.6 um channel)()

float OHSe_error(event, altitude) // Hydroxyl volume emission rate error ()

float O21De(event, altitude) // Oxygen volume emission rate (1.27 um)()

float O21De_error(event, altitude) // Oxygen volume emission rate error ()

             short solKP(event) // Solar Kp index

short solAP(event) // Solar Ap index

float solf10p7Daily(event) // F10.7 flux (daily)

float solF10p781dAvg(event) // F10.7 flux (81-day average)

short solSpotNo(event) // Zurich Sunspot Number

Event (1-2200)

Altitude (0-200 km at 0.4 km intervals)


1-D Event data: Bytes
short event(event) 2
long date(event) 4
char mode(event) 1
char tpDN(event) 1
char scAD(event) 1
float tpSolarZen(event) 4
float tpSolarLT(event) 4
short solKP(event) 2
short solAP(event) 2
float solf10p7Daily(event) 4
float solF10p781dAvg(event) 4
short solSpotNo(event) 2
Total (x 2200 events)  


2-D Event X Elevation data: Bytes
float sclatitude(event, altitude) 4
float sclongitude(event, altitude) 4
float scaltitude(event, altitude) 4
float latitude(event, altitude) 4
float longitude(event, altitude) 4
float altitude(event, altitude) 4
float pressure(event, altitude) 4
float pressure_error(event, altitude) 4
float Ktemp(event, altitude) 4
float Ktemp_error(event, altitude) 4
float density(event, altitude) 4
float density_error(event, altitude) 4
float O3L(event, altitude) 4
float O3L_error(event, altitude) 4
float O3S(event, altitude) 4
float O3L(event, altitude) 4
float O3L_error(event, altitude) 4
float H2O(event, altitude) 4
float H2O_error(event, altitude) 4
float NOe(event, altitude) 4
float NOe_error(event, altitude) 4
float OHLe(event, altitude) 4
float OHLe_error(event, altitude) 4
float OHSe(event, altitude) 4
float OHSe_error(event, altitude) 4
float O21De(event, altitude) 4
float O21De_error(event, altitude) 4
Total (x 2200 events x 500 altitude samples)  

Total Estimated file size (Mbytes): 0.068200 + 190.08 = 190.1 Mbytes